Psychological dangers
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fifth Edition, states that a gaming addiction is present when gaming leads to ‘clinically significant distress and psychological changes.’ This implies that the primary danger of gaming addiction is the threat to mental health.
Physical dangers
Gaming addiction can also lead to the development of several difficult physical health symptoms, such as reduced vision, fatigue, migraines, poor posture, vitamin deficiency and muscle weakness.
Social dangers
A 2022 study found that 74% of children spend less time outside each day than prison inmates. This indicates that the rise in social media, internet access and online gaming has led to drastically reduced engagement with recreational time outside. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to physical health concerns as well as longer-term social difficulties.
Are games addictive?
Research has shown that gaming addiction can be associated with the bursts of dopamine that can occur during gaming. This stimulation of dopamine catalyses feelings of pleasure and positive mood, which can reinforce continued use. This can lead to structural changes in our neurocircuitry.
Other studies have moved away from the neurobiological aspects to consider the brain’s functional anatomy. By doing so, they have identified that engaging with video games excessively can lead to changes in several areas of the brain:
- The prefrontal cortex
- The ventral striatum
- The dorsal striatum
This indicates a strong physiological basis for gaming addiction, indicating that both the structures and the anatomy of the brain can be altered in contexts of excessive engagement with gaming. The research does not conclude if these anatomical changes are permanent; however, over time, the changes to the dopamine circuitry can be ‘rerouted’ via the kind of behaviour modification modelled in addiction rehab.