Ketamine addiction is a form of drug addiction where you compulsively take ketamine despite it causing negative consequences. There are two main routes to ketamine addiction, prescription and recreational.
To explain how these routes unfold, meet Amy and Tom. Both of them have experienced ketamine addiction but their stories are very different.
Amy had a history of depression and her psychiatrist prescribed her ketamine to help with the symptoms. At first, she was hesitant to try it because she knew it was a potent drug with a reputation for abuse. However, after experiencing positive effects and feeling a sense of euphoria, she began to take ketamine more regularly. Amy started to notice that she needed more of it to achieve the same effects and she began to feel anxious when she couldn’t get her hands on it. Over time, Amy became physically dependent on ketamine and eventually developed a severe ketamine addiction that affected every aspect of her life.
Tom, on the other hand, started taking ketamine recreationally at parties. He was intrigued by the intense psychoactive effects and the sense of disconnection from reality. Tom found that he enjoyed taking ketamine more and more frequently and soon he was using it on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Tom began to experience negative consequences in his personal and professional life but he couldn’t stop using the drug because he felt like he needed it just to function and to feel normal. Eventually, Tom realised that he had developed a severe addiction and needed professional help to overcome it.
Both Amy and Tom’s stories illustrate how ketamine addiction can develop, whether through prescription or recreational use, without a person even being aware of what is happening until it’s too late.