Zolpidem addiction can cause serious damage to your health, relationships and every other part of your life and future prospects. If you notice any of these Zolpidem addiction side effects, you should speak to a professional because catching them early can make a big difference:
Breathing problems
Mixing zolpidem with alcohol or other drugs can make it really hard to breathe and can even stop your breathing altogether. This can be super dangerous and is one of the main reasons why people might fatally overdose on zolpidem.
Dizziness and balance issues
Feeling dizzy, uncoordinated, or off-balance are common zolpidem side effects that can make you more likely to trip or fall and result in injuries.
Frequent headaches
If you start getting headaches a lot more often, it might be because of the zolpidem. These headaches can become a constant problem and really affect your daily life.
Digestive problems
Using zolpidem for a long time can cause nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. These issues can be really uncomfortable and might make you feel sick a lot of the time.
Daytime sleepiness
Feeling super sleepy during the day can make getting things done at school or work tough. It can also make driving and other technical things really dangerous.
If you start feeling really down, hopeless or lose interest in things you used to enjoy, it might be due to zolpidem addiction. This can be very hard to deal with and might lead to serious feelings like thinking about hurting yourself.
Increased anxiety
Trying to stop taking zolpidem can make you feel even more anxious or cause panic attacks.
Mood swings
You might notice sudden changes in your mood, like feeling super irritable or angry for no reason. These mood swings can make it hard to get along with friends and family.
Memory problems
Having trouble remembering things or experiencing gaps in your memory can be a sign of zolpidem addiction. This can be really scary because you might not remember important events or conversations.
Seeing or hearing things that aren’t there can be scary and confusing. This is a rare zolpidem addiction side effect, but if this happens to you, it’s important to reach out for help right away.