Ritalin addiction can have serious consequences for your health and every other important part of your life. Here are some of the main dangers to be aware of:
Physical health problems
Using Ritalin too much can cause a range of health issues, like heart problems, high blood pressure and even strokes. It can also lead to anxiety, paranoia and other tough mental health problems.
Emotional and mental health problems
One of the worst effects of Ritalin addiction is the problems it can cause to your mental health. Many people who are addicted to Ritalin have issues with depression, anxiety, mood swings, and just feeling down all the time.
Relationship problems
Ritalin addiction can strain all your most important relationships with friends and family. You may start to spend more time alone, isolating yourself from your loved ones and this can make you very lonely and depressed.
Financial troubles
Buying Ritalin, especially if you’re getting it illegally, can be expensive. This can lead to financial stress and problems managing your money.
Legal issues
Many people don’t realise that Ritalin is an illegal drug without a prescription. Ritalin is a Class B drug in the UK which means that you can go to prison for five years for unlawful possession and fourteen years for unlawful supply.
Ritalin overdose
Taking too much Ritalin can lead to overdose, which is a potential medical emergency. Ritalin overdose symptoms include severe headache, chest pain, vomiting and hallucinations, and if you spot any of these, you should call 999 immediately.