Despite being the chosen drug of rock stars, film stars and the rich and powerful, cocaine is also one of the most destructive. Cocaine detox provides the foundations for recovery from cocaine addiction by allowing the body and brain to rid themselves of the drug’s toxic effects, making it possible for individuals to move on to the next stages of the recovery journey and begin to rebuild their lives in sobriety. Undergoing detox can feel like taking a step into the unknown but Banbury Lodge is here to support you through every stage of the process.
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What is cocaine detox?
Cocaine detox is the process of allowing the body to eliminate all traces of the drug from your system. When you take cocaine, dopamine is released into the brain’s reward system, causing intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria. However, this flood of dopamine is short-lived, and the brain quickly adapts to the new levels of dopamine, making it less responsive to the drug’s effects. Over time, the brain requires larger amounts of cocaine to achieve the same level of dopamine release, leading to physical dependence.
When cocaine use is stopped, the brain’s dopamine levels plummet, leading to cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Cocaine detox aims to help you overcome physical dependence and manage coke withdrawal symptoms so that you can start the next stages of recovery and begin to heal.
What are the benefits of professional cocaine detox?
Undergoing cocaine detox at a professional centre like Banbury Lodge provides many benefits, including:
Full medical assessment upon admission: At Banbury Lodge, our medical detox team will conduct a full assessment of the extent and duration of your cocaine use, your overall health and any other issues which could affect you when detoxing for cocaine.
Individualised cocaine detox plan: Once that assessment is done, you will then be given a bespoke cocaine detox programme which fits your individual recovery needs.
Reduced severity of cocaine withdrawal symptoms: Our professional cocaine detox team can help alleviate the physical and mental symptoms of cocaine withdrawal, making the process safer and more comfortable.
Medical supervision: Cocaine detox at a professional centre also provides around-the-clock medical care to ensure your safety and well-being during detox.
Cocaine rehab: Alongside Banbury Lodge’s cocaine detox programme, you will also undergo a variety of different therapies and evidence-based treatments to help address and manage the emotional and psychological aspects of your condition.
Reduced risk of relapse: Preventing relapse after a period of cocaine withdrawal is incredibly important as your body will have undergone significant physiological changes in response to the lack of cocaine in the system. Any reintroduction of the drug as a result of relapse can then cause an intense and potentially fatal reaction. Undergoing drug detox in an inpatient setting like Banbury Lodge can help you avoid triggers so that you are less likely to start using again.
What are cocaine withdrawal symptoms?
Symptoms of cocaine withdrawal can be severe and last for several weeks, depending on your level of cocaine use and other factors such as your age, overall health and any underlying physical and mental health issues. Common coke withdrawal symptoms can include:
These cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and potentially even dangerous so you should never attempt cocaine detox at home. The best way to detox from cocaine is always under medical supervision at a professional detox clinic like Banbury Lodge.
A timeline of cocaine withdrawal
Cocaine withdrawal symptoms typically begin within hours of the last use and can last for several weeks. The timeline for cocaine withdrawal varies from person to person but the general timeline will usually look something like this:
Days one to three: Cocaine withdrawal symptoms typically begin within the first 24 hours of the last use. The initial stage of cocaine withdrawal may involve symptoms such as fatigue, depression and intense cravings.
Days four to seven: As the cocaine withdrawal continues, symptoms can become more intense. You may experience anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping and experience vivid dreams.
Weeks one to three: At this point, cocaine withdrawal symptoms should start to decrease in intensity, but you may still experience mood swings, cravings and sleep disturbances.
Four weeks and beyond: Most physical symptoms of cocaine withdrawal should have subsided by this point, but some people may continue to experience psychological symptoms such as depression or anxiety. In this case, it is essential to seek ongoing support during this time to avoid relapse.
Top tips for a successful cocaine detox
Cocaine detox can be a life-changing experience so it is important to get the most out of the process. To help your cocaine detox go smoothly and to give you the best foundations for recovery, here are some tips for a successful cocaine detox:
Seek professional help
Detoxing from cocaine can be dangerous and uncomfortable. Seeking professional help can provide medical supervision, medication-assisted treatment and therapeutic support to make the process more comfortable and increase the chances of success.
Prepare for the process
Talk to your detox medical team about what to expect during the cocaine detox process and how to prepare. This may include:
Packing comfortable clothes.
Bringing personal items that provide comfort or relaxation.
Making arrangements for childcare or other responsibilities.
Stay hydrated.
Drinking plenty of water and other fluids can help prevent dehydration, which can be a common issue during the cocaine detox process.
Stay active
Engaging in light exercise or stretching can help reduce muscle tension and improve mood during the cocaine detox process. At Banbury Lodge, we have an on-site gym which all clients are free to use.
Stay connected
Reach out to friends, family, or support groups for encouragement and support before, during and after cocaine detox. This can help you stay motivated and focused on your recovery both during detox and beyond.
Practise self-care
Cocaine detox can be a challenging process both physically and mentally and it’s important to take care of yourself during this time. Practising self-care can include taking time to relax, practising mindfulness or meditation or just catching up with your reading. Making self-care a priority can help you manage stress and reduce the risk of relapse.
How to help a loved one during cocaine detox
If you have a loved one who is going through cocaine detox, it can be challenging to know how to best support them but your love and presence can be the most powerful force in their recovery. Here are some useful tips to help you provide effective support during this time:
Learn about the cocaine detox process
Cocaine detox can be challenging so learn as much as you can about the process so you can support your loved one from a position of knowledge. This will also help you to be more empathetic to what they are experiencing and show them how much you care.
Listen actively
Let your loved one know that you are there to listen to them and understand their experience. Active listening involves being fully present, asking open-ended questions, and acknowledging their feelings and experiences without judgement.
Encourage professional help
Encourage your loved one to seek professional cocaine detox so they can all the assistance they need and have the best chances of success. You can show your loved one this page, help them to contact different cocaine detox centres or offer to visit different centres together.
Take care of their responsibilities
For your loved one to get the most out of cocaine detox, it is crucial that they are able to focus on the process without worrying too much about what is going on outside. Offer practical assistance such as helping look after their children, take care of their housework or see to any of their other usual responsibilities.
Create a supportive environment
Create a supportive environment for your loved one by removing triggers that may lead to cocaine use, such as cocaine or drug paraphernalia in the home. This will make their transition from the sanctuary of cocaine detox back to their normal home life less tricky.
Take care of yourself
Supporting a loved one going through cocaine detox can be emotionally and physically exhausting. It’s important to take care of yourself during this time by seeking your own support through therapy or support groups, practising self-care and setting healthy boundaries with your loved one about how much time you can commit to helping them while they are in cocaine detox.
Remember that recovery is a journey
Recovery is a journey, and the cocaine detox process is just the beginning. Be prepared to continue to support your loved one throughout their recovery journey, including after detox and during aftercare. Celebrate their successes, be patient with setbacks and continue to provide ongoing support and encouragement.
How to get started with cocaine detox
If you or a loved one is in need of cocaine detox Banbury Lodge is here to help. Our comprehensive cocaine detox programme provides everything you need to safely complete cocaine withdrawal and set the foundations for long-term recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our cocaine detox programme and how it can help transform your life.
Frequently asked questions
Does cocaine detox require medication?
In some cases, medication may be used during cocaine detox to manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings. However, medication-assisted treatment is not always necessary or appropriate for everyone. It depends on your specific situation and the severity of your condition.
How long does cocaine detox usually take?
There is no one answer to this as everyone is different. Typically, the acute phase of cocaine withdrawal lasts between 7 to 10 days, but some individuals may experience symptoms for several weeks or more. Banbury Lodge offers a range of cocaine detox programmes of different lengths to help as many people as possible.
Can you die from cocaine detox?
A: While it is rare, there is a risk of medical complications during cocaine detox, particularly in cases of severe dependency or when cocaine detox is attempted without professional medical supervision. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be severe and potentially life-threatening so seeking professional help and medical supervision during cocaine detox are crucial to ensure a safe and successful detox process.