If you have chosen Banbury Lodge to carry out your Xanax detox, you may be feeling a little worried about the detox process and the next steps. It must be remembered that preparation is key and getting a head start on what is to come can be extremely beneficial for you. Below, we have listed a few tips and pointers to help you prepare for your detox in the right way.
Educate yourself on what to expect during the Xanax detox process, including common withdrawal symptoms, duration and potential risks. If there are some things that you don’t understand or perhaps you’re unsure on where to begin, remember that Banbury Lodge is here to provide any information you may need.
For an extra layer of confidence, it could be worth attending support groups before you enter detox. At groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA), you will be in touch with people who have most likely detoxed and succeeded prior to their visits, so listening to their experiences could be a fantastic source of information and inspiration.
Arrange for someone to help you with daily tasks or take care of any responsibilities while you’re in detox.
Banbury Lodge provides a comfortable, home-away-from-home environment so make sure to pack comfortable clothes, personal hygiene items and any necessary medications with prescriptions.
Let your family and close friends know that you are starting this process and that you need their support. If your family or friends openly use Xanax, it would be beneficial for you to ask them to remove any triggers in their homes for when you visit.
Work with Banbury Lodge to map out a post-detox aftercare plan in order to help prevent relapse and manage any residual symptoms you may experience.