By engaging in Ativan rehab at Banbury Lodge, you will have access to a wide range of treatment modalities in a treatment plan designed with our client’s needs in mind. Your Ativan rehab journey will focus on two main phases: detox and therapy.
Ativan detox
Ativan detox is the first hurdle you must overcome as you begin your journey towards a lorazepam-free life. This stage refers to the bodily process that expels traces of the drug from its system. It is possible that you will experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms during this time as your brain and body adapt to the absence of the drug, but our team will be on hand to ensure you remain comfortable.
Ativan therapy
After addressing your physical dependence on Ativan, you will next need to focus on the psychological reasons for your drug use. You can do this via therapy which will look at the underlying cause of your lorazepam use, as well as any co-occurring mental health disorders you may be experiencing.
Banbury Lodge offers a variety of different therapies, including:
Our rehab facility is dedicated to providing all-encompassing treatment that tackles both the physical and psychological, helping you towards a more sustainable recovery.