Once you’ve finished zolpidem detox and rehab, the next important step is preventing relapse when you return home. This stage focuses on using everything you’ve learned to maintain your recovery and stay zolpidem-free when you are no longer in the sanctuary of Banbury Lodge. Before you leave, we will help you make a plan to reduce the risk of relapse, which will include:
Attending aftercare
Our aftercare programme offers free group therapy sessions every week for a year. It is open to all our clients and is a great way for you to stay part of our community and get help when needed.
Recognising your zolpidem use triggers
We’ll help you pinpoint what might tempt you to use zolpidem again, such as certain situations, emotions or people. Knowing those triggers will help you manage them if they arise.
Developing coping skills
Through different forms of therapy, you will learn new techniques to deal with any stress, anxiety or other tough emotions without relying on zolpidem. These strategies will help you stay strong during challenging times after you leave rehab.
Strengthening your support network
We will help you build a solid support system to lean on during tough moments when a return to zolpidem is most tempting. This may include support groups, friends and family and also becoming part of our fantastic Alumni Network.
Living a healthy life
We will help you plan a lifestyle that includes exercise, healthy sleep habits and nutritious food. This will improve your physical and mental health and help you stay sober long-term.